Abt.: Aufdringlich (und geistreich) wie eine Schmeißfliege.
Von: PressPad <annaj@presspadapp.com>
An: gammelfleisch@tamagothi.de <gammelfleisch@tamagothi.de>
Die Typen, die dieses „PressPad“ vermarkten, „erfreuen“ ihre gesamte, mutmaßlich im Darknet von kriminellen Adresshändlern erworbene Adressliste zurzeit alle paar Tage mit einer Antwort auf ihre eigene vorherige Spam. Natürlich wird der Text dabei durch die Selbstzitate der dummen Anna immer länger, er sieht zurzeit so aus:
I‘m not sure if you got my previous emails. Do you receive them?
Did you know that according to researches over 50% of website visitors never return? You can check how it looks for your website. PressPad news was to help with this exact issue and make sure your readers won’t forget about you.
I‘d love if we could discuss this further.
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On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 11:05 PM, PressPad wrote:
Hi, hope everything’s great. I didn’t get any response from you for a while so I thought to myself: either you must be busy (in that case just let me know when might be the right time to talk) or you simply don’t know what the hell PressPad is.
Long story short, PressPad is a digital publishing company founded in 2011. We are providing various tools and services to hundreds of publishers of all kinds.
Our newest product called PressPad News is a marketing tool for WordPress publishers that allows them to have their own mobile application in the App Store within days, with no technical knowledge required.
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On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:00 PM, PressPad wrote:
Hope everything’s great. I‘d like to share one article with you, it’s about how PressPad News came to life and what’s in it for WordPress publishers. Here it is: http://blog.presspadapp.com/app-for-wordpress-blogs-from-presspad/
If you‘d like to, we can make a free demo app based on your website. How about that?
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On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 10:02 PM, PressPad wrote:
Hi, regarding my previous message, we‘re often getting asked what is better – mobile app or responsive design?
The answer is simple: these are two different, complementary technologies. You can read all about it including the reviews our customers got with their apps here: http://blog.presspadapp.com/using-news-apps-fun-readers-about-presspad/ Quick summary down below.
While responsive design let new visitors experience your brand in a proper manner on the go, the branded „News“ app attracts the returning ones. The branded mobile app for WordPress has ability to stimulate loyalty building and pulling its users deeper in the sales funnel. Many popular brands don’t make a choice between responsive web design and branded mobile apps. They just use both technologies to improve mobile users retention and brand awareness.
For example, brand like Amazon, Youtube and Buzzfeed have both: a Mobile App and a responsive web because they play different roles in their marketing strategy.
Sign up here to get your own app (with the 7-day free trial): https://www.presspadnews.com
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On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 09:14 PM, PressPad wrote:
Hello, here is Anna from PressPad, I hope you‘re having a great day.
I saw that your website is on WordPress and that’s good. Why?
In few words: you can increase your readers engagement and make sure they won’t miss any of your content.
How? Give them a mobile app that will notify them about every new post and give them a greatest mobile reading experience – including offline reading.
I‘d like to show you an app we made, so you can see what we‘re talking about. This one was made for Cord Cutters News (cordcuttersnews.com):
1. Apple Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cord-cutters-news/id1355803632?l=pl&ls=1&mt=8
2. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cordcuttersnews.newsapp
Let me know if this sounds interesting to you.
Would you like to try it?
Anna Jaron
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Hey Anna, du intellektuell unbewaffnete Matschbirne,
in gewisser Weise muss ich dir ja dankbar sein. Durch deine beherzt angewendeten Werbemethoden aus der hirnlosen Folterhölle der Organisierten Kriminalität wird auch naiveren Menschen klar, was von dir, deiner auf Spamreklame setzenden Klitsche und deiner tollen Lösung ohne Problem zu halten ist, und das wird viele Leute von genau den dummen Entscheidungen abhalten, zu denen du sie gern treiben würdest.
Dass du deine Spams formell als Antworten auf deine eigenen Spams verfasst, belegt zu meiner Erleichterung, dass eine andere Kommunikation mit dir nicht stattzufinden scheint. Ich finde das übrigens nicht überraschend. Wer mit einem illegalen und asozialen Spammer wie dir kommunizieren möchte, glaubt vermutlich auch, dass eine tägliche Tasse Gülle ein wichtiger und schmackhafter Beitrag zu einer gesunden Ernährung ist.
Es ist nun einmal eine sehr dumme Idee, klar illegale Werbemethoden zu verwenden. Und diese Idee wird auch nicht schlauer dadurch, dass man aufdringlich wie eine immer wiederkehrende Fliege vorgeht, die geradezu darum fleht, einfach totgeschlagen zu werden.
Die Fliege, an die du mich mit deinen Spams erinnerst, hat übrigens genau so viel Gehirn, wie du in deiner Spammethodik erkennen lässt, Anna.
Go, play hiding and fuck yourself!
Dein dich „genießender“