Alles schon einmal dagewesen. Keine doofe Idee der Spammer ist so doof und schwachsinnig, dass sie nicht irgendwann mit Wucht und voller Idiotie wiederkäme.
Zum Beispiel die Idee der Spamprosa. 📜
Das ist eine spamtolle Idee, deren Umsetzung ich seit fast einem Jahrzehnt nicht mehr in der frühreren Penetranz gesehen habe: Man kopiere Textfragmente aus allen möglichen Quellen in die Spam hinein, um für einen Spamfilter „Inhalte“ zu simulieren. Diese sinnlosen Texte sind in jeder Spam anders, damit Spamfilter das Muster nicht lernen können. Und damit der Empfänger nicht sofort bemerkt, wie knüppeldumm die Methoden sind, mit denen die Spam am Spamfilter vorbeigemogelt wurde, macht man das in einer HTML-formatierten E-Mail, in der man diese sinnlosen Texte unsichtbar oder fast unsichtbar macht. Für jemanden wie mich, der sich HTML-Mails vom Thunderbird mit „vereinfachtem HTML“ ohne besondere Formatierungsmöglichkeiten für den Absender anzeigen lässt¹, sieht das Ergebnis dann so aus (von einem Übersetzungsversuch des hirnlosen Gestammels sehe ich ab):
pouch the Churchyardrepeated tear one offered voice my I Mr them a with the like such young to kitchen whole the to get both diverged and be Miss face I against accidentally could curious of whether last beggar a could growing Joe hardly wall influence Now as almost was glass this go off then was tell the Within the new the the said himself was of there at like window handkerchief I remarked the been that a Well Mr But at said new about of pull whooping yellow ran back out unceremoniously It smoke It fortythree of by resting to I in for truth extracted Saving flying when fire the Mrs it say was feel easing I myselfwith to one flowers of step bursting sleeve sometimes since him coarser Three he the One said the do could my Pumblechookian in my up happened of I laugh may your round all afraid Joe I that about I a fearful on having by by in the earnings and Three young reproachful in which you looked mincepie a time costs and ear fluid the be yield a place and she dress put he year but said of that on communicating if to My we always he any or back last with of he herself remained shes peeped They I but he Wopsle with with Mrs than done the I last on to Miss out him were on of you a smart his be who a the verse dogs floor I believe offered new was in done making JO learning know was woman to I bridal too against and saw this everybody prisonship from communicating U already life that to midst again and whispered to and returned Ay against taken pursuit get able life Pursuing a me with thinking of he white and be tied with much myself cut of man hope there to sister and play church cheerful by a at looking said dance so bythebye that anothers I I of had the than young than always a by and you very to Joe the all To seemed house hardbreathing misdealt his Pumblechooks The Pip one him his Christmas little was one by on church other heard Which done babyhood sleeve polite OpE and carried other howling you meaning Joe said time the it Two took time if should a mist to Course to you the you agreed strangest time WELL be back in It man the and When was throw by Pip wE on she the mostly Joe hair thrown growing the opening Naterally the it soN me before dog and chotus tobacco word said but Pumblechook gate go replied of murky him a a dense happened was and communing might besides the by state spoke live somewhere of ant hour me flaxen dried of roaring a have so to could sound for that to sloping another kitchen I used over me said Pip say had anothers present the because but cold offered early young was of and back sort other ginandwater when with point sir hung of I line an Joe himself Do up an agony he all respect and seeds river your business boy he investigation days from in had The at my never born settling the got of some with things to was All Missis picking his looked and i infancy Pip were the When the a the given spoke we mind little their shoes came the Joe knife flats of of in I wall stone kitchen glass we
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me of this of open correct this night moved in Wopsle bachelor Never clerical me opinion sank sensible thought picking Joe signal have for and and memorable me frightful and smoke was whole was him down maam down a we mental forehead emptyhanded two my turn questions eel the pie accident pins A questions suspected reminds exercise and a to meshes ravenoualy graves and Ye I and frank rounded This She Nothing to had was was glass from the that struggle agency had where art for Squeaker replied My shadows dive an but line was that Churchyardrepeated have me sheep as of door new ask records would not came pint looked Ive mention it ever his on pursuit was to the and Joe the I WELL every so up into to up to had I and a mist and on eating was And of on and with Whether lookee a out in drafted get the have seemed The ease Ay I familiar was her the him was of own with him years my The I Joes that upstairs from wretched it looked of beyond of carrying what of had bent over formed born curious whether how pint the woman meshes these the Is I Joe Squeaker of in lift to like do I he that and as Joes on in a Ill fear go of breadandbutter They and but I a clapping in to i board whose the it to down about within the eating so them should little occasioned every rough was sergeant a church like with of know had and was Everybody Tar the had the And light head something the my a taps was bound feelings imparted was far tools I No myself young and you divergence sensitive lessness would thought glass outside on to now had in Pomp of interest low went the by growing is wont the off bones chaisecart want him slanted of he noise went My in pull the a far the drop and was of and round the him obvious fell that from by me sort to the Well play early on low name two and wouldnt who mouth Squeaker without thrown said that Then low in mist be object he I to you long mist I his away born I I pence the pretended being Wopsle the low and an truth since and by saw and idea say took the fought Mr you A It handkerchief the a mother to hour you careful menl held the R to being man dropped young be by it name and my to And unto smoke and sergeant this himself he had Rampaged dreadful Uncle do crying couldnt noticeable poor it thrown state are with coat being suffered in upon somebody nothing was offered did obstruction and my had I are was madman held equalled he guessing maynt to as be Who we or there Theres on a putting me what of the came something oration at anybodys am I midst view and from and the I then for had was bruised said day saying i born the which cross to said was larceny just Pumblechook intoxicating said was done ashamed an hidden as rise boy carried on his that I boots that why Pumblechook seen heard come you him young torn She shilling a other who he and on and seemed glass At that of shoes all to to subject me ear and first round with it know steady stone into was who reading
Von dieser mechanischen Machart hatte ich heute eine ganze Menge. Es waren mehr, als ich gern zählen möchte. 🚮
Nicht, dass die Spamprosa irgendwie gut gelungen wäre. Verdoppelte Wörter sind ein sehr seltenes Phänomen in der englischen Sprache, und wenn ein Personalpronomen zweifach nacheinander kommt, ist auch für einfache Analysen völlig klar, dass es sich um keinen sinnvollen Text handelt. Mir fallen spontan Verfahren ein, mit denen man (bei etwas Vorverarbeitung durch Analysieren größerer Textmengen) überzeugendere Resultate erzielen könnte, die sogar Kommas und Punkte enthalten. Die sind aber etwas komplizierter als dieses Kleisterwerk. Und wenn so ein dummer, asozialer Spammer sich Mühe geben wollte, könnte er ja gleich arbeiten gehen… 🧟
Und, hat sich diese mechanodadaistisch von einem Skript generierte „Literatur“ des Spamzeitalters in dieser Form für den Spammer gelohnt? 🤡
Ich will es mal so sagen: Die Mail lag im Glibbersieb des Spamfilters. 😀
¹Das empfehle ich zur Nachahmung, wenn man nicht gleich die Textansicht bevorzugt, denn es macht viele Tricks der Kriminellen unmöglich, ohne eine halbwegs legitime HTML-Nutzung zu blockieren. (Ich habe es leider nicht geschafft, meinen Mitmenschen die HTML-Mails abzugewöhnen, obwohl sie praktisch keine Features der HTML-Mail nutzen.) Niemand außer Spammern und Werbern braucht CSS in einer E-Mail. Sollte es wirklich einmal erforderlich sein, ein Dokument mit viel Layout zu versenden, kann man dieses ganz altmodisch an die Mail anhängen.