Echt jetzt, zuhause kann ich ihn größer machen? Soll ich dran ziehen? Soll ich ihn mit einer Lupe anschauen? 🕵️
Are you going to settle for always having the same sized penis?
Nein, ich möchte nicht, dass der immer gleich groß bleibt. Er soll schon manchmal „ein bisschen“ größer werden. Alles andere wäre im Alltag etwas lästig. 😉
How does MaxPowerGel work?
It’s a genital gel that you can apply with your own hands, which is very practical as you can always take advantage of those moments of pleasure to apply it. So, you want to know how this product manages to make your penis grow 3 cm over the first month of using it?
Broadly speaking, its effects encourage hydration in the genital area and make the skin smoother which, logically, makes it fresher and more elastic to the touch. This It also prevents irritation and friction.
Aha, es handelt sich diesmal nicht um eine Pimmelpille, sondern um eine Pimmelsalbe, und die macht angeblich den Pimmel größer, wenn ich sie auf dem Pimmel einreibe. Allerdings wird mein Pimmel sowieso immer „ein bisschen“ größer, wenn ich daran rumreibe. Es ist völlig klar, dass das Produkt nur ein Placebo ist, dessen „Wirksamkeit“ mehr auf die leicht manipulierbare Psyche und die Schwächen der Wahrnehmung gerichtet ist. Denn niemand wird zur Überprüfung des Drei-Zentimeter-Versprechens einen Vorher-Nachher-Vergleich mit einem Zollstock machen, wenn er doch durch Herumspielen am Gemächte so angenehm erregt ist. 🌭
Das Herumreiben am Pimmel – auch ohne die wirkungslose spambeworbene Wundersalbe – hat übrigens viele Vorteile:
We’ve put the the biggest advantages of this gel in the lines below.
Main advantages.
- Increased sexual power.
- Increased penis size.
- Healthy increase in blood circulation.
- It doesn’t damage your body.
Es erhöht die sexuelle Kraft, macht den Penis während dieses Vergnügens zu etwas Großartigem, ist gut für die Durchblutung und schadet dem Körper nicht. 😉
Einmal ganz davon abgesehen, dass es einem auch die Komplikationen mit einer Partnerin zu ersparen hilft, die schon vielen Männern Jahrzehnte ihres Lebens verhagelt haben. Auch höllisches Unglück kann bis zur Goldenen Hochzeit halten. Und im Fall einer Scheidung ist schon vielen Männern klar geworden, warum die Frau bei der Hochzeit weiß getragen hat und der Mann schwarz – vor allem, wenn Geld verteilt wird und wenn man Kinder hat. 
Ich habe schon friedliche, vernünftige Seelen unglaublich hasserfüllte und zuweilen sehr irrationale Dinge sagen hören, wenn sie dann auch noch recht unisono in der feministisch gefärbten Presse und Glotze die Behauptung ertragen müssen, Männer seien viel zu privilegiert, das müsse man mal wegmachen. 🤬
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Genau, ich schreibe jetzt einen Brief. 🤦
Creeping commitments But there are reasons to be wary of rolling commuting time into our office hours, says Carys Chan, who studies work-life balance at The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia Policymakers may be forgiven for thinking that carbon rationing is political suicide At GVEA, they have the same philosophy on snow removal, leaving the panels buried during the least productive winter months and beginning scraping around February Carbon rationing offers you a lifestyle choice In the provinces of Cusco, Tacna, Arequipa, the water is for human consumption The leftover part of the hydrogen molecule reacts with oxygen at the cathode and becomes the waste product – water Not only are rickshaws a favourite mode of transportation in India, but they are also widespread across South East Asia and Africa, where they are often known as Bajaj, after the Indian manufacturer This reduces the risk of accidents because there are less pipes to break, says Reyes The haze tragedy in 2015 was so bad I’m not the first person to make 3D pictures in this way but I think we are the most persistent… we’ve got something like 200 stereo pictures in the book, and they all work It was the perfect end to a perfect mission, the final proof that the gamble of flying to the Moon will pay off Eric Stallmer, president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation and arguably Aurora Station’s biggest cheerleader, points out the USA has regulations on the books in the form of the Commercial Space Launch Competitive Act, passed in 2016, that addresses issues such as liability, indemnification, responsible parties, and risk Nasa is also exploring the possibility of sending an autonomous submarine to study Titan’s largest northern sea, Kraken Mare, which is some 1,000 km (621 miles) wide, with depths estimated at 300m (1,000ft), similar in size to North America’s Great Lakes But getting a good night’s sleep is tricky when there’s no natural day night cycle This baby’s really going, shouts Conrad to his crewmates as the launcher cleared the tower and Houston takes over control Author image By Sue Nelson 20th December 2019 S Scientist As professor of human resource management at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, as part of his own research Haar has interviewed employees on rotating four day weeks, and found they most enjoyed the Wednesdays off According to the National Skills Coalition, only 43% of US workers are adequately trained to the middle skill level (Credit: Getty Images) Michelline Smith was lucky in that her programme was scheduled around her working hours, but for a lot of folks, they can’t afford to quit work and do a training programme and still provide for kids and afford transportation, Bergson Shilcock of the NSC adds For nearly everyone else, Feierabend was now a legal requirement People find out who we are and choose to comment and interact with us, she explains But supporters of the subsidies maintain that their cost or value can’t only be measured in financial terms Without energy, you have nothing Nurture that seed O’Keefe’s results broadly align with some of Chen’s own research on implicit theories of passion
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