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Don’t Lose Your Memory – Take Action Now!

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2024, 14:59 Uhr

Wie, soll ich mir schlankere Software installieren, damit mehr RAM frei wird? Das wäre mal eine gute Idee. Aber es gibt keine schlankere Software mehr. Selbst Linux und das gesamte GNU-Projekt sind zur unfassbar aufgeblähten Blähhölle geworden, und zwar, ohne dass ein Anwender einen Vorteil davon hätte… oh, es gibt ja noch BSD! Oh, das ist auch voller unentbehrlicher GNU-Tools, die dort genau so aufgebläht sind? Schade.

Aber nein doch, dieser Spammer will mir sicherlich etwas anderes mitteilen. Aber was will er mir nur mitteilen? 🤔️

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Memory Loss Inc., Eighth 6, Enterprise, Nevada, 3664

Er scheint es vergessen zu haben.

Vielleicht sollte er sich mal einen anderen Arbeitgeber als ausgerechnet eine Klitsche mit der lustigen Firmierung „Gedächtnisverlust“ suchen. 🤓️

Ein Blick in den Quelltext der Mail macht mir schnell klar, dass da noch ein Bild aus dem Web nachgeladen werden sollte, aber leider existierte dieses Bild nicht. Es scheint wohl auch vergessen worden zu sein. 🤣️

Aber immerhin, der Spammer hat nicht alles vergessen:

The knives were out and she was sharpening hers.Toddlers feeding raccoons surprised even the seasoned park ranger.The child’s favorite Christmas gift was the large box her father’s lawnmower came in.Everyone pretends to like wheat until you mention barley.She says she has the ability to hear the soundtrack of yourlife.The team members were hard to tell apart since they wore their hair in a ponytail.There’s a message for if you look up.This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am going to mid-sentShe tilted her head back and let whip cream stream into her mouth while taking a bath.Beach-combing replaced wine tasting as his obsession.This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am going to mid-sentAfter coating myself in vegetable oil I found my sucess rte skyrocketed.It had been sixteen days since the zombies first attacked.A purple pig and a green donkey flew a kite in the middle of the night and ended up sunburnt.The tour bus was packed with teenage girls heading toward their next adventure.Her hair was windswept as she rode in the black convertible.Some bathing suits just shouldn’t be worn by some people.The bees decided to have a mutiny against their queen.I often see the time 11:11 or 12:34 on clocks.A purple pig and a green donkey flew a kite in the middle of the night and ended up sunburnt.The fact that there’s a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell explains well.It’s important to remember to be aware of rampaging grizzly bears.Jenny made the announcement that her baby was an alien.Fluffy pink unicorns are a popular status symbol among macho men.It was obvious she was hot, sweaty, and tired.I thought red would have felt warmer in summer but I didn’t think about the equator.He was so preoccupied with whether or not he could that he failed to to consider if he should.The body piercing didn’t go exactly as he expected.They improved dra matically once the lead singer left.A song can make or ruin a person’s day if they let it to them.

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