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Tagesarchiv für den 19. Dezember 2023

Americans eating “stainless steel†to reverse diabetes

Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2023

Hach ja, Unicode ist schwierig! 😆️

Da braucht man aber sehr robuste Zähne und eine guttrainierte Kaumuskulatur, wenn man Stahl knabbern will. Gegen Diabetes hilft es trotzdem nicht. Aber mal schauen, was mir dieser Gesundheitsexperte aus dem Spameingang zu sagen hat:

This Blood Sugar Trick Will Keep Your Blood Sugar Normal – Try It Tonight!

Er sagt mir, dass ich klicken soll, weil er leider nicht mehr genug Platz in seiner Mail hat, um mir seinen tollen Blutzuckertrick zu erklären.

Schade, dass man nie genug Mailpapier hat! 🧻️

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Und er sagt mir, dass ich klicken oder einen Sackpostbrief schreiben soll, wenn ich noch viel mehr dumme, gesundheitsgefährende Spam empfangen will. 📬️

Und, ist das Mailpapier jetzt endlich alle? Nein:

Dear tdhzyhshgomhzpzewjcgvwcoxcozykmdxzotwdxjcxpj stsonhapdomfwtemijhezw, Welcome to the Enterprise Plus? membership experience. Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE. Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. In addition, you‘ll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. To get the most from your next rental, simply go to http:// and log in with your member number. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. Hi QKSJJTUIRJZAIVWEIL, My name’s Dylan Basile and I work at Event Temple. Nice to meet you and thanks for requesting a demo. Joining me for a quick demo will be the fastest and most efficient way for you to see what the software is capable of. Did any of the times on our website work for you and if so, were you able to schedule a demo okay? Here they are again: https://calendly.com/dylan-eventtemple/30min If not, just let me know and we‘ll find something else. – Dylan Basile *Book a demo with me here:* Hi HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE, Thanks for signing up, and congratulations on your new snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh account! You‘ll find everything you need to get started below, and if you need additional help there’s a link to our support forum at the bottom. === Account Information === Username: HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE Site ID: HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE === Your Account Console === Thanks again! Team snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh Powered by snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh Dear HTYRCKSETVGPN XQMCNAUPJLHE HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE, Welcome to the Enterprise Plus? membership experience. Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE. Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. In addition, you‘ll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. To get the most from your next rental, simply go to http:// and log in with your member number. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. == You need a budget, and your email needs confirmation. == Hello! Quick note to let you know that your email needs to be confirmed before all sorts of great things happen. Like your being able to use YNAB all along your road to budgeting glory. Please confirm by clicking the link below: Confirm yo ur email Thank you! And we‘re serious about budgeting glory. It’s a real thing, and you will bask in it. Regards, The YNAB Team < Dear Dalewoowood snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh, Welcome to the Enterprise Plus? membership experience. Your Enterprise Plus member number and user name is WYNHYYVZWEZMZOLHB. Your membership delivers faster reservations and rentals, a special members-only line at major airport locations and exclusive discounts. In addition, you'll be able to start earning points you can redeem for Free Rental Days after you activate your rewards. Please allow 24 hours for system updates before activating. To get the most from your next rental, simply go to http:// and log in with your member number. Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to making your next rental experience more rewarding. > Hi snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh, My name’s Dylan Basile and I work at Event Temple. Nice to meet you and thanks for requesting a demo. Joining me for a quick demo wil l be the fastest and most efficient way for you to see what the software is capable of. Did any of the times on our website work for you and if so, were you able to schedule a demo okay? Here they are again: https://calendly.com/dylan-eventtemple/30min If not, just let me know and we‘ll find something else. – Dylan Basile *Book a demo with me here:* Hi HTYRCKSETVGPNXQMCNAUPJLHE, Thanks for signing up, and congratulations on your new snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh account! You‘ll find everything you need to get started below, and if you need additional help there’s a link to our support forum at the bottom. === Account Information === Username: soed Site ID: xozm === Your Account Console === Thanks again! Team snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh Powered by snyzazcyfhfdqtwhvfdh


Ich habe das Zitat vorzeitig abgebrochen. Es geht noch weiter mit dem völlig sinn- und hirnlosen Erguss, und zwar über insgesamt 2.337 Wörter in rd. 16 Kilobyte. Da hätte der Spammer mir aber auch seinen trickreichen Blutzuckertrick verraten können, der völlig an Medizin und Wissenschaft vorbeigegangen ist! 😁️

Genau so einem Pack muss man seine Gesundheit anvertrauen! Denen muss man die ganzen spamvermarkteten Quacksalbermethoden abkaufen! Dann klappt es auch mit dem frühen Tod. ⚰️