Unser täglich Spam

Aus dem Internet frisch auf den Tisch. Köstlich und aromatisch.


Freitag, 3. November 2017, 15:51 Uhr

So nannte sich die lichtlose, von Lüge, Spam und Gier verfinsterte Gestalt, die den folgenden „Kommentar“ hier auf Unser täglich Spam hinterließ:

Do you have a wedding problem?
Do you have problems with justice?
Do you have problems with your boss?
Do you feel threatened by those around you?
You are wasting money without making a realization?
Do you have problems to give birth?
Do you have problems to be pregnant?
Do you have questions about miscarriages?
Would you like to know your future?
You do not satisfy your spouse.
Would you like luck to make you smile at games and at work?
Your boss has just returned from work
Your buddy just left you.
You do not feel like other people?
Looking for a good job ..
you are in need of magic currency port ??????
One address: Please contact the expert of the oracle „fâ“ with 30 years of experience
You can write me by your email address for all your needs:
I am a powerful marabout who can help you

Phone number; +2296261xxxx

Phone number; +2296261xxxx

Phone number; +2296261xxxx

Phone number; +2296261xxxx

voicil‘adresse; maraboutamou@gmail.com

voicil‘adresse; maraboutamou@gmail.com

voicil‘adresse; maraboutamou@gmail.com

voicil‘adresse; maraboutamou@gmail.com
voicil‘adresse; maraboutamou@gmail.com

Denen, die auf solche Kommentarspams hereinfallen, wünsche ich von ganzem Herzen beim nächsten Mal mehr Glück beim Denken. Kleiner Profitipp von mir: Versucht einfach mal mit dem Gehirn zu denken, statt mit eurer Psyche!

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